DC 10-13 Steps UP To Make Mom’s Final Months Much Less Stressful And More Fulfilling
I am a police officer in the Town of East Fishkill. I suffered a very serious on the job injury requiring several surgeries and an extended recovery period. I got a call from Tom Franco, on behalf of the DC 10-13 Foundation, asking what they could do to help me out. At the time, I was doing ok because I had amazing support from not only my wife and children but from my mother, who would drive me to and from my numerous doctors appointments and whatever else I needed so that my wife did not have to take time off from work. Unfortunately, my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer while I was trying to recover from one of my surgeries. Tom immediately contacted me and asked what they could do. At this point, I was home and we made the decision to have my mother move in with us because it was a safer living environment for her as my house has no stairs to climb to get into. Mom needed to go to NYC every week for 6 weeks. Tom knew my mother so was in touch with me about her health regularly. When I told him what the treatment plan was, he asked if he could call me back in a few minutes. A few minutes later, Tom called and said that there would be a car service at my door on Monday morning to pick my mother and I up and bring us to NYC and that the same car service would be back on Friday evening to drive us home. I explained to Tom that it wasn't that simple, we would be staying there all week and be coming home every weekend and doing that for six weeks and that we needed to bring her scooter and wheelchair and all of her medical supplies with us. He said that it was all taken care of and would not accept no for an answer. Shawn Auchmoody, of A Special Occassion Limousine Service had a luxury SUV in my driveway at 7:30 am on Monday morning and the driver, Todd, helped load all of mom's equipment into the back and away we went. After a very stress free drive, he unloaded the car and told us he'd be back Friday. This went on the whole time mom was in NYC, every week. The stress that this took off of us was unimaginable. No worrying about traffic, parking, driving while exhausted. I offered to pay for the trips or at least the gas but my offers were refused. Even my attempts to tip Todd were refused. While I give Shawn and Todd an incredible amount of credit for this wonderful help, it couldn't have happened without Tom reaching out and seeing a need. I will never forget Tom telling me "You cops! You never ask for help. We want to help you. We have people asking to help and you never accept it." I could hear the frustration in his voice. But I was at the point where I had to concede because it was for my mother. That was an amazing part of this foundation. They were here for my mother as well as me. They saw what was needed and stepped up without delay and helped me to make mom's final months much less stressful and more fulfilling. If I can give anyone in need some advice, the Dutchess County 10-13 Foundation is there for you. From help mowing your lawn to rides to doctors appointments. I know how hard it is to ask for help when you are usually the one giving help. I can't thank them enough for what they did for my entire family.